BuddyPress Block Users 1.2.0

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With BuddyPress Block Users, members of a BuddyPress community can block other users. This feature is crucial for maintaining the safety and well-being of the community. By providing users with the ability to block others, you can create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

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Get free access to over 18,500 premium products on our website. As long as your plan is active, all new releases are included. Plus, you’ll receive access to the XYZTheme Updater plugin, which allows you to update all your themes and plugins directly from your WordPress dashboard.

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BuddyPress Block Users – Main Features

BuddyPress Block Users offers a range of features to help you manage user interactions on your BuddyPress site. These features include:

  • Role-based user blocking: you can specify which user roles are allowed to block other users, and which roles cannot be blocked.
  • User whitelisting: you can choose which roles cannot be blocked by others.
  • Automatic unfriending/unfollowing on blocking: this feature allows users to automatically unfriend or unfollow someone when they block them.
  • Reason for blocking: users can be required to provide a reason for blocking someone (optional).
  • Admin notifications: you can choose to receive notifications when a user is blocked or unblocked (optional).
  • Context-specific restrictions: you can apply user-specific restrictions based on certain conditions.
  • Friendship request restrictions: you can disable the sending of friendship requests between blocker and blocked users.
  • Private message restrictions: you can disable the sending of private messages between blocker and blocked users.
  • Public message restrictions: you can disable the sending of public messages, or activity mentions, between blocker and blocked users.
  • Profile view restrictions: you can restrict the viewing of profiles by blocker or blocked users.
  • Members listing restrictions: you can hide blocker or blocked users from the members listing.
  • Activity post and comment restrictions: you can hide activity posts or comments from blocker or blocked users.