BuddyPress Auto Join Groups 1.2.3

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The BuddyPress Auto Join Groups feature allows website administrators to automate the process of adding members to groups. By creating one or more lists of conditions, any user who matches those conditions will be automatically added to the designated groups.

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Get free access to over 19,000+ premium products on our website. As long as your plan is active, all new releases are included. Plus, you’ll receive access to the XYZTheme Updater plugin, which allows you to update all your themes and plugins directly from your WordPress dashboard.

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The BuddyPress Auto Join Groups plugin offers the following features:

  • The BuddyPress Auto Join Groups feature automates the process of adding users to groups on your website.
  • Admins have the ability to create multiple lists, both global and conditional, where users will be added to specified groups based on their profile data or member type.
  • Conditions can be set for each list and multiple conditions can be specified, with the requirement that users must fulfill all conditions to be considered a match.
  • Additionally, admins can associate any number of groups with each list, and a user may match multiple lists and be added to all associated groups.
  • Users can be tested for a match at the time of account activation, profile update, or member type change.
  • Administrators also have the ability to synchronize users in bulk, searching for any users matching the current list condition and adding them to the specified groups.