Live News – Real Time News Ticker 2.2

Our new XYZTheme Automator plugin allows you to update all products directly from your WordPress panel. Know More
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Introducing Live News, a versatile WordPress plugin inspired by the news tickers used by broadcast television stations. This powerful plugin allows you to display real-time information such as the latest news, financial updates, weather warnings, election results, and more on your website. With 56 customizable options per news ticker, you can easily customize the colors, typography, and behavior of each ticker. Plus, with its super optimized performance and compatibility with WordPress multisite environments, Live News is perfect for high-traffic websites. Get Live News today and take your news display to the next level!

Subscription Plans

Get free access to over 19,000+ premium products on our website. As long as your plan is active, all new releases are included. Plus, you’ll receive access to the XYZTheme Updater plugin, which allows you to update all your themes and plugins directly from your WordPress dashboard.